About Steve Evans

I’ve been working in online, internet and web businesses since 1995.

I was lucky enough to find my first career position with an internet start-up, in the very early days of the web when Google didn’t even exist and in our naivety we tried to catalogue the entire internet for one sector.

That sector was the insurance, reinsurance, risk transfer and risk management world. At the start-up almost everything we did was focused on that space.

I also spent over five years leading ecommerce teams in the online travel sector, with a particular focus on usability and user experience design, alongside systems development and integration projects.

I’ve had my share of fun in legacy systems integration and trying to make the customer journey as simple as possible, while abstracting away the business rules and complexity of reservation systems, flight global distribution systems, rail booking API’s and other 30+ year old technologies.

After that I spent a number of years running my own consultancy business, focused on high volume ecommerce firms, travel companies, banking and re/insurers.

At the same time I began to create my publishing business, building out Artemis.bm, which I originally created in 1998 and now has over 65,000 readers each month, and launching Reinsurance News which now has roughly 80,000 monthly unique readers (Analytics data from December 2018).

Both are among the most (if not the most) widely read publications of their kind globally on any medium, allowing me to combine my passions for risk transfer, finance and risk management, alongside audience and experience development online.

We now run conferences in locations such as Singapore and New York as well. Both websites are widely read by the most senior decision makers in the re/insurance, insurance-linked securities (ILS) and alternative investing sectors.

I’m can also frequently be found in advisory roles, with a number of board positions in tech, ILS and reinsurance start-ups.

In addition I do a little investing, of the angel variety, in opportunities I can get really passionate about.

I also advise friendly venture and private equity funds on the best opportunities in these sectors as well.

So, generally very busy, but having fun and get to work with fantastic, smart and influential people I feel lucky enough to often call friends as well.

If any of this is interesting to you or resonates, drop me a line.

Linkedin Steve EvansOr find out a little more about me over at Linkedin.